Early FilmsEarly Films
Short FilmsShort Films
The Family AlbumThe Family Album
Nobody's BusinessNobody's Business
The Sweetest SoundThe Sweetest Sound

Wide AwakeWide Awake
First Cousin Once RemovedFirst Cousin Once Removed
56 Ways of Saying I Don't Remember56 Ways of Saying I Don't Remember
Letter to the EditorLetter to the Editor

Intimate Stranger


Produced, Directed
Photographed and Edited
By Alan Berliner

Sincere thanks to all those who helped make this film possible:

Regina Cassuto Berliner
Al Cassuto
Ben Cassuto
Mark Cassuto

Oscar A. Berliner
Masayoshi Ikuta
Ikuo Kasai
Angele & Maurice Molko
Tetsuo Nagai

Hisao Tsuchihashi
Masuko Yokoyama


Aquarius Transfermation
Buddha Ashbaucher
Harriet & Arthur Aufses
Lynn Berliner
Bill Brand
Tim Brennan
Cine Magnetics
Gary Cooper
David Donahue
The Film Crew
Film/Video Arts
Larry Gottheim
David Greenwald
Peter Grilli
Essam Helmi
Steve Halpern
Michio Kimura
Rodger Larson
Vincent Mariani
Toby Marshall
Nagisa Matsuo
Cara Mertes
Dana Mermelstein
Mel Meyer
Rick Miller
The Mix Place
National Archives
The New School
Melissa Neidich
Roger Phenix
Rick Prelinger
John Quinn Jr.
Rodgers & Hammerstein - Archive of Recorded Sound
Spencer Seidman
Lyna Shirley
Mohamed Shirazi
Jill Shuler
Morris Simoncelli
Melissa Tonelli
Andrea Weiss
Cliff Whitham
Gary Williams
Sandy Wurmfeld
Patricia Zimmermann


Tokyo Friends

T. Hanai S. Mano
Y. Hanai H. Nagao
S. Higashikawa J. & S. Nara
T. Hirai K. Ohmino
H. Higuchi Y. Otani
A. Ide E. Sugiyama
T. Ikuta T. Takenaka
I. Kanatani Y. Tsuchihashi
E. Kasai S. Yamaki
K. Kokuryou M. Yokoyama

Nichimen Tokyo

S. & A. Uyeda T. Kamei
T. Hibino A. Furuya
Y. Tanaka A. Sakuma
H. Yamada A. Suyama
I. Ohnishi Y. Yoshida
S. Nagayama H. Nakajima
Y. Ogata Y. Furuya
J. Kimura

Osaka Friends

M. Kambayashi K. Yasugi
A. Ishidahara N. Ozaki
T. Yamada H. Kiuchi
S. Harada S. Tanaka
F. Nagai S. Yagi
O. Hagino H. Yagi
M. Ohshima T. Fujiwara
K. Ohara K. Oikawa
K. Fujii

Nichiman Osaka

H. Satako T. Taku
T. Tamada T. Kanamori
K. Iwata K. Ishida
K. Nakagawa N. Hashimoto
S. Matsumoto

Nichiman America Inc.

K. Nomura K. Yoshimoto
A. Watari M. Saito
Y. Sugimoto Y. Nishio


And especially to Anya Miller


This film was supported in part by grants from:

Hoso Bunka Foundation
Jerome Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York State Council on the Arts
Nichimen Corporation
Nichimen America Inc.

Under the fiscal sponsorship of Parabola Arts Foundation Inc.


Air Travel to Japan provided courtesy of Japan Airlines.


Copyright 1991
Alan Berliner