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Playing GodPlaying God

The Red Thread

Clifford Gallery
Colgate University
Hamilton, New York

March 30 - April 10, 2009
The Red Thread gives aesthetic dimension to the relationship between the distance a sound travels and the time it takes to get there.

The Red Thread was originally exhibited at

167 East 67th Street
New York City

as part of a solo exhibition of audio and video installations by Alan Berliner

March 19 to April 16, 1996
Production Assistant: Leslie Neblett

This new expanded version was created specially for Colgate University,
courtesy of the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation
Distinguished Artist in Residency Program,
The Colgate University Art and Art History Department

March 30 - April 10, 2009
Production Assistant: Mónica Savirón

Many thanks to John Knecht and Lynn Schwarzer
for their help installing the work.